Programme de bourses de Master de KOICA 2020 est maintenant ouvert!

L'Agence Coréenne de Coopération Internationale (KOICA) a lancé un Appel à candidatures pour son programme de bourses de Master 2020. Ce programme s'adresse aux fonctionnaires gouvernementaux et aux personnels des organisations non gouvernementales internationales (ONGI) et des universités.   

Si vous souhaitez poursuivre un Master en Corée du Sud, veuillez vous référer aux informations ci-dessous. L'un des Master pour lesquels les candidatures sont ouvertes est le Master en Economie Sociale à l'Institut Supérieur Coréen des Sciences et Technologies (KAIST). 

De plus amples informations sont disponibles sur le site Internet de KOICA.

  • Nom du programme: Master en Economie Sociale
  • Durée : 19/08/2020-31/01/2022 (17 mois)
  • Nombre d'étudiants: 15
  • Date limite de candidature: 27 mars (les dossiers de candidature complets doivent parvenir aux bureaux nationaux de KOICA ou aux ambassades à cette date au plus tard)

*Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter le site Internet de KOICA ou adressez un courriel à l'adresse suivante:
*Niveau d'anglais: Il est essentiel de posséder un excellent niveau d'anglais étant donné que les cours seront donnés dans cette langue (oral ET écrit). La thèse de fin d'étude devra également être rédigée en anglais.


Important Information

1. The Scholarship is ONLY open to government officials, international development NGOs, and universities (officials)
2. Applicants can only select one course
3. Before the interview, applicants must be willing to sign a statement letter committing not to apply for other scholarships in order to give fair opportunities to other applicants.

Qualification Criteria

Applicants must fullfil the below conditions:

  • Be a citizen of one of the target countries under the scholarship program
  • Be officially nominated by the government

Government officials: possess a minimum of two years’ experience in the field study (recommendation letter form SETNEG)
Non government official: provide two letters of recommendation from related Ministry and Korean Embassy or an UN-associated organization or KOICA country office

  • Be aged under 40 years old on February 1st, 2020
  • Be in good mental and physical health
  • Have completed a Bachelor Degree or hold a diploma equivalent to college/university level education
  • Have a good command of both spoken and written English
  • Have never withdrawn from KOICA’s Scholarship Program
  • Have not participated in KOICA’s Scholarship program or any of the Korean Government’s Scholarship Program before (Master Degree Program)
  • Other qualifications required by the university you are going to apply to (refer to the information relative to the program of your choice)

Scholarship Benefits

  • Airfare round-trip economy class ticket
  • Waiving of tuition fees
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Monthly allowance
  • Provision of accommodation
  • Settlement allowance
  • Scholarship completion grants
  • Insurance

Required Documents

1. KOICA application form (should be typed in English)
2. Recommendation letter(s) from applicant’s government
3. University documents (all forms should be typed in English). Please refer to the information relative to the program of your choice.
4. Documents that are required by the university. Please refer to the information relative to the program of your choice.
5. Copy of passport

Application Deadline

All documents should be received by KOICA country offices by 10 April 2020 at the latest from SETNEG

Application Documents

Applicants can download here documents relative to the various Master degree programs.