[8th ILO SSE Academy]: SSE in EU - trends and challenges

International Network
Governance / Eco-system

Presented at: 8th ILO SSE Academy

Organisation: Euricse

Date: June 28, 2017

Presenter: Mr. Gianluca Salvatori

Contacts: gianluca.salvatori@euricse.eu


Euricse claims that over the last two decades, the social commitment has risen, especially in the EU context. Social enterprises have steadily been gaining ground in European nations, particularly in places like Greece, Italy, France, Romania, Spain and Portugal. In these instances, social enterprises have found ways to redefine specific contexts instead of completely replacing existing concepts. The following presentation defines the term "social enterprise" and differentiates it from traditional not-for-profits. It also touches on the legal frameworks that make up social enterprises and how this legal recognition of social enterprises can both be a pro and con to the business. Furthermore, in a greater context, the role of EU and national policies, and their roles as a whole are discussed. 

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