[APD 2018: Workers Coop with Associated work] Japan Workers Co-operative Union

ESS Organizaciones
Social Finance / Impact Measurement

Presented at: Asia Policy Dialogue, Thematic Dialogue Group 2. Funding from communities, Seoul 2018

Organisation: Japan Workers Co-operative Union, Japan

Date: July 6th, 2018 

PresenterMr. Nobuhiro Furumura (President) 


  • The Japan Workers Co-op emphasizes the autonomy of its members. The work and capital contribution are all done by the members of the co-op, without funding from the government.
  • The vision of the co-op is that by making the first layer stronger and firmer, they will be able to make the second and third layer broader and stronger.
  • The co-op will be investing 450,000USD to create new businesses. The co-op is working on SDGs, and the strongest point is its research project on recycling-based finance.
  • The goal of the Workers Co-op is to change the relationship between the economy and the society and to move away from developing through human desire and anxiety. Furthermore, the co-op works to make ‘sustainable community development’ a fundamental policy.